This is a bizarre time we’re living in. Political divisiveness, the global pandemic, societal change & economic uncertainty. The death throes of the patriarchy are causing a lot of fear and anxiety.
At the same time, we know that it's imperative to continue our heart-centered creative work. We're collectively building a new society as the old one crumbles. This is the work of the Feminine Divine. Creativity is Her power and Her refuge.
It's time to write that book, build that soul-based business, design your oracle deck.
But how do you focus when things are so crazy out there?!
Creative play is key for staying sane in an uncertain world.
Endless social media scrolling and constant news checking isn’t good for you. Living in a state of fear and stress 24/7 is not serving you or anyone else. It makes you MORE susceptible to illness, it keeps you from sharing your gifts, and it’s a waste of your precious time and energy.
Joy and creativity are NOT luxuries. They are part of what keeps us going.
Creativity helps you focus on the present moment and release your fears. It’s an outlet for wild emotions. It’s a way to access the intuitive part of you that holds deep wisdom, for you and for all of us.
If you could take the time, regularly, to create something that will make the world - or your corner of it - a better place, imagine how powerful that would be.
Let’s do this, together. I’m hosting a series of weekly virtual sessions called Parallel PlayDates.
Parallel Play is when toddlers play side by side, but are pretty much doing their own thing. Have you seen this? It’s super adorable - and they are learning and getting inspired as they sneak little sideways glances at what the other kiddos are up to.
While our sessions are for adults, we’ll play together, doing our own creative thing in (virtual) community space, letting our inner children play freely.
"The Parallel Playdate - what a brilliant invention! Nikki deftly leads creatives in pursuing their own projects alongside others in a weekly virtual gathering. I love interacting with like-minded people, talking about what we are focusing on, engaging in the meditation Nikki leads us through, and then working on my writing, my art, or any other thing that might be calling me creatively. One participant even used the time to garden!"It's so nice to have the structure and place set up, where I know I'm dedicated to following my muse, right alongside others. The collective energy is uplifting and fun - I love that we check in at the end and reflect on how our time has been."
- Megan Austin Oberle, The LOA Fool
I set the space at the beginning of each session with a guided meditation that helps you get grounded and aligned, so you can calm the mind's incessant chatter for a time. There will be a journaling prompt to help you enter into your creative zone.
Then we’ll create together in our virtual Zoom room, keeping the text chat going for inspiring side conversations. At the end of the call, we’ll check in with one another to see how it went.
You can work on whatever type of creative project or learning lights you up.
Having this sacred container will help you with motivation, focus, and making time to create regularly
You’ll receive connection and inspiration from fellow creatives.
There are even (optional) fun homework assignments - I call them Quests! - to keep you inspired between calls.
A subscription to the Parallel PlayDates is just $33 per month.
That gives you access to each of the 4 PlayDates in a given month. When do we typically meet? Check out the latest schedule.
You can also become an annual subscriber for $333 for a whole year (you can subscribe anytime).
If you have the time and passion to participate but you’re in financial difficulty, message me and we’ll work it out.
The Parallel PlayDates series is free for my current clients.
Subscribe now below. Once you're signed up, you'll receive a schedule with upcoming dates. You'll get an email each Wednesday evening with that week's Zoom call details.
When you subscribe to the PlayDates, you'll be added to my newsletter list and receive emails from [email protected] so I can send you the call details and schedule. I will never sell your personal information. It will only be used to deliver useful author information and inspiration!
© 2024 Nikki Starcat Shields: Book Midwife - All Rights Reserved